Our product CATM allows investors, portfolio managers and investment analysts to quickly and easily uncover the qualities and risks of the management of companies you want to invest in using AI (NLP).
Our product goes through millions of pages of text and does analysis to uncover problems in the behavior of (future) management of companies.
Our product will significantly speed up data collection and analysis.
Why might this tool be valuable? What problems does it solve?
- Identifying fakenews in the context of the massive growth of content on the internet thanks to AI in the future
- Using AI to analyse legal big data and information from publicly available sources
- Can identify the long-term access to shareholders of companies where he or she has worked and where he or she operates
- Can find out a particular person’s lifestyle (Whether they spend more on luxuries than their colleagues in other companies.)
- Can find out current and historical ties to important people (Inside the SEC, Treasury, central banks, other companies, politicians)
- Can find out his views on various topics in life and business (What they are, how much and how often they change)
- Verify his claims and proclamations with actions and facts (For example, retrospective verification of his claim that the company will grow by XX% per year)
- Finding out where he has been lately (Important, for example, at a time of potential mergers and acquisitions)
- Can determine how he has set up his option compensation program
For more information, please contact us at: sterba@ceescan.com